Sunday, April 25, 2010

Porn Statistics

  • Two-thirds of the divorce lawyers attending a 2002 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers said excessive interest in online porn contributed to more than half of the divorces they handled that year. They also said pornography had an almost non-existent role in divorce just seven or eight years earlier.

  • Dr. C.J. Manning’s 2006 study on sexual compulsion showed that learning of a spouse’s porn use typically has the same impact on an innocent spouse as learning of an affair and pornography is a significant factor leading to divorce.

  • Men admitting to accessing pornography at work-20%

  • U.S. adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites-40 million.

  • Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in the last week-53%

  • Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home-47%

  • Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites-72% male & 28% female

  • A 2003 survey from Internet Filter Review reported that 47% of Christians admit pornography is a major problem in their homes.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ex Porn Star talks with Laura Ingraham About the Truth Behind Pornography

Shelley Lubben began working with adult industry workers in 2002 when she began volunteering as a teacher and counselor at local rescue missions and prisons in the State of California.

Having a passion to reach out to adult industry workers all over the world, she was stirred to action and put up a web site in 2004 sharing her story and the truth about the abuse she experienced in the porn industry.

Inspired by the Spirit of God, she and her husband Garrett founded Pink Cross Foundation to reach out to adult industry workers offering emotional, financial and transitional support to those who want out of porn and also help for those struggling with pornography and other victims of pornography. Pink Cross Foundation was officially incorporated on January 24, 2008.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crisis Ministry

As Americans we live in a free society. We are free to chose; the nature of capitalist venture. We prosper and our lifestyles reflect it. We obsess over the things that make up our lifestyle until they contaminate us. The media highly reflects the secular view and works to convince us that they have a better life to offer than God. Sources of contamination from the world today include ungodly television, music, movies, and fashions: Advertisers sell with sex; today’s music calls love another four letter word; movies are overrun with partially nude starlets; and clothing styles do the utmost to make sure that young woman show as much skin as possible.

It is stated that over 70% of the American people believe in God, but many of these people lack the conviction to walk in the ways our Lord has given. The distinctions between Christian and worldly conduct have blurred beyond recognition. We move forward rather than upward….. to seek after outward prosperity rather than holiness.

Statistics on porn for believers mimics that of non-believers. There are 4.2 million pornographic websites, 420 million pornographic web pages, and 68 million daily search engine requests. The statistics on pornography are staggering and the results are catastrophic. “Revenue from pornography is larger than the combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises and exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC ($6.2 billion). Child pornography alone generates $3 billion annually.” And what many do not know is that these media giants have investments in pornography through affiliate companies.

The Christian churches today have a hard time looking at the sexually immoral epidemic we live in. They have the misguided notion of “it’s always been like this” or “not in my church.”

The fallen Christian must deal with the social and spiritual stigma associated with sexual promiscuity or deviancy, and the condemnation of them by the Christian community as sexual sinners. The devastation to the family, without God’s intervention, can be irreparable.

But God……..He is the creator of second chances. First and foremost we have to believe it is God we sinned against wholly. Through His restorative power men can be set free from the demoralization of sexual sin, and families can be reconciled to one another. We are here to be healed to walk free from sexual immorality in an overly hyper-sexualized society. Our desire is to see men reach their full potential in Christ. To find out more, call 412-587-3407 or e-mail

Addiction Ministry

Sexual addiction is a serious problem in which one engages in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior despite increasing negative consequences to one's self or others. Like other addictions, these behaviors continue despite sincere and persistent efforts to stop. Some might not think sex can be addictive because there are no chemicals involved. However, the body produces many hormones and neurotransmitters during sex that produce the same chemical "high" as drugs or alcohol. Sex addicts, like other addicts, often have a background of other addictions or family histories sprinkled with numerous addictions.

This permissive society makes the road to sexual addiction very smooth. In the Christian man’s life , this style of living will render him completely defeated. But a person must come to that jumping-off point where they realize there is nothing they can do to save themselves and only total surrender of their life and will to God will suffice. We now know that we have never been in control and never will be. There is no need for regret because this is what brought us to the feet of Christ. We own our sins and acknowledge them to Him.
In a Pure Life weekly support group we believe in the power of Christ to change our lives when we surrender our life to Him. The Pure Life support group is a sanctuary to those who are in need; a place where a person can be safe in the knowledge that he is among friends and equals who care for him.
The Pure Life Support Group is a safe place to grow in God's love and grace and to learn about His plan for purity.

Jail/Prison Ministry

According to the latest Department of Justice statistics, there are nearly 2.3 million men and women whom now pack our prisons and jails — a 500-percent increase since 1976. Right here in Allegheny County, our jail currently houses over 2,000 men and women. One in every 31 adult Americans is currently under correctional supervision — confined to prison or in the community on probation or parole.

But those numbers don’t tell the whole story because each number represents a human being. Most inmates come from a broken home or a home where there is no love or discipline. They are accustomed to doing whatever they want to do. They believed that what they want, they deserved to have, and the ends justified the means. But know, in jail, they have come to know the impact of loneliness for the first time. They believe the love of God is not for them. Some of these men and women are attempting to live the Christian life in the challenging environment found in prison.

This is where Pure Life Ministries comes in. Having a presence in the County Jail since 1990, we have had the opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel hundreds of times to thousands of inmates. We have seen many come to Christ with great change in their lives. We continue these relationships after their release, or by mail if they go to another institution.

Of special interest to us here at Pure Life Ministries are the approximately 382,000 sex offenders under the care, control or custody of corrections agencies. While these men derive a certain amount of help through prison treatment programs, most of them are not receiving the spiritual answers that can truly set them free.

So if Jesus were on earth today, you can be sure we would find Him in prison—spending time with even the most loathed criminals and outcasts. Why? Because He came “to seek and to save the lost.” And now, as Jesus’ representatives on earth, we should be among the prisoners as well. Calling all to the healing touch of Jesus. Trusting that no one, no matter how far he has fallen, is beyond Christ’s love and power to transform.