Friday, June 27, 2014

Children are the Pornography Industry’s Goal

Children are the Pornography Industry’s Goal

 An interview with Dr. Gail Dines, professor of sociology & women’s 
studies and chair of American studies at Wheelock College.
Citizen magazine conducted this interview in March 2008.
Citizen: Tell us about this phenomenon you call ‘pseudo child 
pornography’ and ‘childified women,’ as you call it in your 
research paper by that name. What do you mean by those terms?
Dines: The article is subtitled ‘How the Mainstream Porn Industry Sells
Child Pornography to Men.’ Pseudo child porn sites use adults—people
over 18—to represent children—people under 18. This is never called
child pornography by the industry. Instead, almost all of those sites that
childify the female porn performer are found in the sub-genre called
‘teen-porn’ or ‘teen-sex.’ Typing ‘teen porn’ into Google yields over
13 million hits where the user has his choice of thousands of porn sites,
all with the word ‘teen’ in them.
I think it’s more serious than actually using under-age girls, because
that’s a certain number of girls. This is untold numbers of men being
sexually aroused to children now—untold numbers. I also argue at the
end that, look, we live in a porn culture. In a porn culture, all women–their
job is, to put it crudely, to [have sex with] men. There’s nothing else.
If you turn adult men into being sexually aroused by children, if you turn
children into mini-women, you now expand the number of potential
[sex] objects you’ve got because you’re bringing all the children into it
as well. I think it’s devastating how this is going to play out.
Citizen: What about the pornographers’ claims that what they do 
has nothing to do with child porn?
Dines: First of all, I go through in the article how it looks like child
pornography. They model their images off of it. They use girls who look
immature. They use all sorts of childhood signifiers like teddy bears,
lollipops–you can see girls with braids in their hair, knee-high socks,
school uniforms, acting like children–only doing the pornography. What
they’re doing is socializing men into seeing children as legitimate sex
objects of adult men.
The other thing is the men are masturbating to these images, which is
a powerful reinforcer of that desire. Pornography works because men
definitely have a physiological and biological response to it. If they didn’t,
they wouldn’t buy it, simple as that.
Citizen: And you’ve interviewed ex-porn performers?
Dines: Yes, one of them got out. She was very big in the industry. She
said she knew she had to get out when she began seeing one of the
ways you got in was you put braces on your teeth. Girls were getting
braces to make themselves look younger. This would never have
happened without the Internet. I have to tell you, I’ve been doing this for
20 years, and I work with a few people who’ve been doing it, and not
one of us would have predicted it’d be this bad this quick.
Citizen: There’s a lot of disinformation out there, such as the 
argument that porn prevents crime because it provides sexual 
release without a partner.
Dines: Yeah, that’s called the ‘cathartic’ theory. There’s never been one
study in 40 years that shows that to be true–not for child pornography,
not for adult pornography.
Citizen: In fact, isn’t the truth quite the opposite?
Dines: Yeah, yeah. It’s in all the studies. There’s now 30 years of
research on the effects of pornography on men, and it affects the
way they think about women and the way they behave toward women.
Now, it’s complicated. You can’t say a man who views pornography
is going to rape a woman or necessarily 100 percent aggress against
a child. But until we have better studies on this, what I would say about
the research is that when it comes to child pornography, this is playing
with fire, absolutely.
Citizen: Is it true that more women are becoming consumers of pornography?
Dines: Well, I think they are, I hate to say. I don’t think as big as the
industry says they are. I went to Las Vegas for the porn convention
last January, and I got a press pass. So, I went into some of the actual
discussions and seminars they run. And they’re talking about this
amongst themselves. If they’re talking about this amongst themselves,
then I think it’s probably true.
Citizen: If regular pornography is what fuels the demand for 
illicit sex –
Dines: I think it’s not just illicit sex. It creates the demand for porn sex.
Men want to act out on their girlfriends, on their wives, on their hooker
partners who they barely know, the same things they see in
pornography. I hear that all the time.
Citizen: Like the shaving of the pubic area?
Dines: Oh, yes, yes. We’ve got a whole generation of men now who
are aroused by genitalia that look like children.
Citizen: That’s pretty frightening.
Dines: I’ll say. All of this is terrible. This is an experimental generation,
as well, because we’ve never before brought up an entire generation of
boys on pornography. The average age of downloading their first
pornography now is about 11 years old. That’s what studies show.
Citizen: What’s the problem with industry spokesmen like the 
Free Speech Coalition and the ASACP saying ‘we’re against 
child porn–trust us with self-regulation’?
Dines: As I show in my paper, it’s a big sham because they don’t care.
You know, they’re creating pornography that is stimulating pedophiles—
or stimulating men who are not pedophiles into being sexually aroused
by children. They’re only saying this because they’re nervous that child
pornography will become a big issue and that the issue will actually lead
into what they produce as well. They want to make sure it stays legal.
There is so much money involved here that the last thing they want is the
 law getting involved.
I was at Yale University last year at a conference on pornography and
prostitution. They had eight people, and I was the only anti-pornography
person on the panel. They had two industry representatives, and all they
could talk about was that law, Section 2257 [age-verification requirements].
That’s all they could talk about, was that this is the biggest threat to the
industry. See, I want to know why it’s such a threat. If they’re not
interested in children, why are they so concerned about that law?
Citizen: Is the other goal here to create a distinction for the adult pornographers, who can say ‘child pornography as opposed to 
our legal pornography’?
Dines: The problem is that there’s been no real discussion on what the
effects of pornography really are. What are the effects of pornography
on the culture? How does it shift the way a culture thinks about women,
about men, about sex, about children? And this is what no one’s really
addressing. The legal issues are always about individual men and the
harm it causes, and I think we need to take a more macro–larger–
analysis: What does it mean to have a culture that is completely
saturated with pornography and puts women at risk? And it’s
increasingly putting children at risk as well.
Citizen: Isn’t it hypocritical to claim to oppose child pornography 
while at the same time fighting any regulation aimed at keeping 
minors out of porn?
Dines: Exactly. Why are they fighting it? That’s the big question. Why are they putting all of their resources into this? And I would argue that one of the reasons is because increasingly there’s a market for under-age.
Their using under-age girls is not accidental. There’s a market out there of men who are interested in under-age girls. This is a massive market, and, of course, as any businessman knows, you tap into any market you can. I don’t think it’s that they don’t know. I think this is part of a business plan.
The Internet has flooded our society with pornography. I don’t think there’s ever been an industry that has increased its output so dramatically in such a short time. I think they’re worried about saturation and that men are not going to use it as much or get bored. So, they have to keep ramping it up.
Citizen: Despite what they say, do you think perhaps the commercial porn industry actually does want to get into child pornography?
Dines: Of course, they want it. They have to, because they’re running out of ideas now. And what men like in porn is taboo. And of course, today what’s left? I mean, they do virtually everything they can to a woman, short of killing her, in porn. So, what’s left? Well, what’s left is children. That’s the only taboo left, which is why I think it’s all about desensitization, the need to keep creating new markets.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

“Eighty percent of everything children learn in their first 12 years is through their eyes.” 

"Nine out of ten children between eight and sixteen with internet access have viewed pornography on the internet." - London School of Economics study January 2002.

" The 12-17 age group is the largest consumer of internet pornography." -

Happy Fathers Day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The process of overcoming sexual addictions is neither simple nor easy.  Spiritual freedom, however, is made available to us through Jesus Christ.  "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).  The first step in the process of attaining this freedom is to recognize and acknowledge our sins.  Remember King David's example of repentance. "For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me" (Psalm 51:3).There are few that exercise repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  And first and foremost we have to believe it is God we sinned against wholly.  

The primary need in the sex addict’s life is true repentance.  True repentance includes a desire to change, which will result in a change of actions. True spiritual repentance is an experience whereby a person’s will is altered for the express purpose of bringing it into line with God’s will.  This is not something you do yourself; it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict (convince) you of the need for repentance.  You do, however, need to listen for God’s voice.  Many people never reach even this first step because they have hardened their hearts to the point where they could not hear God even if they wanted to.

The issue is that shame drives you back into your addiction.  Deep, heartfelt repentance before God can provide a marvelous cleansing process, a spiritual catharsis that releases the guilt and shame induced by sin.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Internet Porn Statistics

  1. Average life expectancy of a porn star is 36.2 years
  2. 206 porn stars died prematurely from aids, drugs, suicide, homicide, accidental and medical since 2014
  3. #1 suicide method among porn stars is by hanging
  4. 66 porn stars that we know of committed suicide
  5. 66% of porn performers have Herpes, a non-curable disease.
  6. 2,396 cases of Chlamydia and 1,389 cases of Gonorrhea reported among performers since 2004.
  7. Over 100 straight and gay performers died from AIDS.
  8. 36 porn stars died that we know of from HIV, suicide, homicide and drugs between 2007 and 2010.
  9. Of all known child abuse domains, 48 percent are housed in the United States.
  10. 26 cases of HIV reported by Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation (AIM), since 2004.
  11. 70% of sexually transmitted infections in the porn industry occur in females according to County of Los Angeles Public Health.
  12. Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses online, and the content is becoming much worse. In 2008, Internet Watch Foundation found 1,536 individual child abuse domains.
  13. Of 1351 pastors surveyed, 54% had viewed Internet pornography within the last year.
  14. There are 4.2 million pornographic websites, 420 million pornographic web pages, and 68 million daily search engine requests.
  15. 50% of men and 20% of women in the church regularly view porn.
  16. Worldwide pornography revenue in 2006 was $97.06 billion. Of that, approximately $13 billion was in the United States.
  17. More than 11 million teens regularly view porn online.
  18. The largest group viewing online pornography is ages 12 to 17.
  19. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among performers is 10x greater than that of LA County 20-24 year olds.
  20. At the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a gathering of the nation’s divorce lawyers, attendees revealed that 58% of their divorces were a result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of pornography online. 

Do you believe God?

Brennan Manning Live At Woodcrest

Friday, July 9, 2010


Ami Jordan, 1990-2010

19 year old porn star Ami Jordan passed away in her sleep last Friday, June 11.

Jordan’s time in porn was cut short in the industry after entering porn in 2008 and appearing in only about 20 movies. A memorial service for friends and family will be held Tuesday evening in her Tennesee hometown.

Jordan worked for adult companies including Hustler Video, Vivid Entertainment, Red Light District, Immoral Productions and Lethal Hardcore.

Did the lethal and toxic porn industry kill her?

Type 9 Models owner Kevin Kline, the agent who represented Ami throughout her time in the industry, says in AVN interview: "She had a problem with pills, and she asked me to help monitor that usage of pills and what she was taking."

Agents and pornographers acting as doctors? Isn’t that illegal? Did her agent knowingly send her to do scenes while she was under the influence of drugs?

Her agent Kline also admits that this pill addiction was likely to blame. "I can tell you that I have my suspicions of exactly what happened, and my guess is that she took too many of them," he said. "But that's just speculation, for sure.

"She was a super sweet girl. Always a good girl."

A super sweet girl who had no idea what she was getting into and that she would die at age 19 in the porn industry. This abuse must stop. Please do YOUR part and stop viewing pornography and contributing to deaths like Ami’s.

Please pray for Ami’s family. They are devastated.
By Shelley Lubben, Pink Cross Foundation

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Porn Statistics

  • Two-thirds of the divorce lawyers attending a 2002 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers said excessive interest in online porn contributed to more than half of the divorces they handled that year. They also said pornography had an almost non-existent role in divorce just seven or eight years earlier.

  • Dr. C.J. Manning’s 2006 study on sexual compulsion showed that learning of a spouse’s porn use typically has the same impact on an innocent spouse as learning of an affair and pornography is a significant factor leading to divorce.

  • Men admitting to accessing pornography at work-20%

  • U.S. adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites-40 million.

  • Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in the last week-53%

  • Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home-47%

  • Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites-72% male & 28% female

  • A 2003 survey from Internet Filter Review reported that 47% of Christians admit pornography is a major problem in their homes.